This time, I shall vow to keep my blog active, updated, and freshhhh! What am I kidding? Of course I am lah. abuden. It's already damn hard for me to update this blog every week. But nonetheless, I'll give it a try and try to update every single day or two or three or four or f.....
Okay, enough crap and btw I'm gonna talk about today. I woke up damn early around 6.30am for the thermo replacement class which starts at 8. But, i assume the lecturer will be late and therefore will start at 8.30. As usual, I'm driving to subang every single weekday ever since I left that 'shytty' room that I rented.
Arrived there around 8.30am to find out that the replacement class was cancelled. WTGF. Replacement class kena replace. Wth man. My efforts of waking up early, facing the jam and finding a parking was literally gone to a waste. Well, can't do anything bout it so went in the aup office and slack and slack and slack till the next class at 10am which was matlab.
Matlab is super boring. Even adrian ywk found that it was a waste of time attending it and prefer to stalk chiqs in the aup or intima office. LOL. But however, I still attended matlab and had a miserable yet good time sketching 3d-graphs with carene and co. !
Physics lab was after matlab and then visited uncle chong's cafe. Later, went to the library with the initial plan of studying but ended up studying nothing with alotta craps shared between me, carene, gabriel, adrian and brandon.
Drove back home at 5pm and snoozed myself off till 8pm. Then, there comes again the another initial plan of studying but then realized that I caught a flu and my throat damn itchy sooo ended up watching tv and using the comp.
Okay, thats it. I'm pushing myself to study tmr without any excuses no more! No further delays.
Drove back home at 5pm and snoozed myself off till 8pm. Then, there comes again the another initial plan of studying but then realized that I caught a flu and my throat damn itchy sooo ended up watching tv and using the comp.
Okay, thats it. I'm pushing myself to study tmr without any excuses no more! No further delays.